Investment menu update

This page provides you with access to our monthly investment menus as well as other important information including managed investments that have recently been added to the Voyage investment menu.

1 July 2024

Investment menus

Voyage Investment Menu - Superannuation Master Trust and Portfolio Service

Suspended and terminating managed investments

Non daily priced funds register


New assets added effective 1 July 2024

Managed Funds

 APIR code/ARSN Fund name Voyage Investment Service Voyage Superannuation Master Trust
CIM0008AU Capital Group New Persp Fund Hedged (AU)
BFL3333AU Quay Global Real Estate AUD (Hdg)
OPS7755AU Chester High Conviction Fund
FSF0040AU First Sentier Wsale Balanced Fund
FSF0033AU First Sentier Wsale Conservative Fund
FSF0008AU First Sentier Wsale Diversified Fund


Margin lending investment menus

Review most recent Margin Lending investment menus

Colonial Margin Lending website

Leveraged Equities website