We’re here to help ensure that every EOFY is as seamless as possible for you and your clients. The EOFY Hub has everything you’ll need to prepare for this EOFY, including key processing dates, tips and other helpful information.

EOFY calendar

Our EOFY calendar shows all the key tasks and processing cut-offs in one central location.

Our last day of processing for the 2023/24 financial year will be Friday 28 June 2024.

EOFY cut-off dates and tasks

View all the key tasks for June and their processing cut-offs.

Important notes

Add as a reminder

You can add a calendar reminder to help you keep track of the cut-off dates for EOFY related tasks.

Download a PDF copy of the calendar

Click here to download and print a PDF copy of EOFY cut-off and processing dates.

Wherever possible, use Request Centre

  • Request Centre allows you to submit and manage requests faster, easier and more securely
  • Alternatively, please use email to avoid any possible delays with postal delivery.

Submit paperwork as early as possible and ensure it’s completed correctly before uploading it to Request Centre or emailing it to us

  • If you’re able to submit paperwork before the provided cut-off dates, there’ll be a higher chance that we can work with you to resolve any queries and/or confirm if any outstanding information is required before the final cut-off dates.
  • Please ensure that all forms and documents are fully completed and signed by the correct signatories to reduce the risk of any processing delays.

Cut-off dates and tasks

Our last day of processing for FY23/24 will be Friday 28 June 2024. Wrap tax elections open Thursday 9 May 2024 and Wrap clients have until Friday 5 July 2024 to make their elections. Pension recalculations will occur in the first two weeks of July.

Below are the cut-off dates for all EOFY tasks and requests. The cut-off time on those dates is 5.00pm (Sydney time). We need to receive all necessary documents and information, including consent or approvals, before the cut-off. Any requests that are still incomplete by the cut-off will be processed on a best-efforts basis.

We encourage you to use online methods where available to avoid missing any cut-offs.

Date What we need for your client
Monday 3 June

Amend/create a recurring debit

Monday 3 June

Submit a re-contribution form

Tuesday 4 June to Friday 14 June

Pension applications

Friday 7 June

Amend a previous contribution

Friday 7 June

Final pension updates for FY23/24

Friday 7 June

Change a client investor status, including updating to wholesale

Friday 14 June

Action a product switch

Friday 14 June

Transfers (in and out) for internal asset transfers, Equities and Managed Funds

Friday 14 June

Switches, transfers and closures for Separately Managed Accounts

Wednesday 19 June

Action an account closure

Friday 21 June

Deposits and contributions by cheque

Friday 21 June

Manual fee changes and Advice Fee Consent forms

Friday 21 June

Change of adviser requests

Tuesday 25 June

Ad hoc direct debit requests

Tuesday 25 June

Deposits and contributions (EFT and BPAY)

Wednesday 26 June

Manual withdrawals

Wednesday 26 June

Super, IDPS and CMA applications

Wednesday 26 June

Contribution splitting

Thursday 27 June

Payment requests through Adviser Online

Thursday 27 June

Deduction notices

Friday 28 June

Adviser Initiated Payments

Friday 28 June

Create and update Advice Fee Consent

Wrap tasks

Month Tasks where action may be required Who it affects
May to July

Wrap tax elections

Tax elections open on 9 May 2024. You have until 5 July 2024 to make the elections online.

IDPS clients

Wrap pension indexation

After the mid-June pension run, you have until Friday 28 June to update pension settings online before the July 2024 pension recalculation.

Pension clients

Wrap pension recalculations

Also known as ‘the pension freeze’, in the first two weeks of July we recalculate pensions for the new financial year. Your clients won't be able to make changes to their pensions or withdraw from their pension accounts during this time.

Pension clients

Make the most of our digital solutions

Use the EOFY report template in Report Builder

Create consolidated packs of multiple reports for a single account in one centralised location which can be saved in the future. Each account will also have two preloaded report pack templates for EOFY and quarterly reporting purposes, to simplify the way your business provides reports.

Manage payments for your super and pension clients

Adviser Online allows you to initiate a payment for your super and pension clients and track the status of the request in Request Centre.

Transition to digital payments only

Between January 2024 and November 2024, we’ll be phasing out our cash and cheque services across all our products, including pension and super accounts. Read this Help Centre article to find out how you can help your clients prepare.

Additional contributions

If you have clients with a Wrap superannuation account who are considering making additional personal contributions, you may find this article helpful.